The initial reception of The Joy of Killing is very, very strong. Publishers Weekly, the Bible of the publishing world, gave a starred review in today’s issue, which is very prestigious. The first sentence reads: “A man’s desperate struggle to recapture his past propels this brilliant first novel from Edgar Award– winning true crime writer MacLean (In BroadDaylight).”
A few weeks ago, Kirkus also gave a very positive review: The following quote from the review made it on the back of the book jacket:
“MacLean’s writing is lyrical, ebbing and flowing like a deep riptide that conceals the danger beneath; there is something unsavory and even panic-inducing about being pulled inside his tale. . . A dizzying and delirious meditation on desire, violence, guilt, and philosophical justification.”
It’s a little early to get too excited, but it surely is a very good start. The publishing/movie/booksellling industry pays a lot attention to reviews in these publications. Let’s hope it’s just the beginning.
The books will be online and in the bookstore in early July. Thanks for your support. Feel free to email with thoughts or comments.
