Skidmore this weekend
I’ll be in Skidmore this weekend. If you’re interested in talking about the case, the book “In Broad Daylight,” the town or northwest...
Click here to view “60 Minutes, Bully” at Dropbox.com [pro-player type=’video’ image=’https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/92063412/Screen...
The Story That Never Ends
Most of you know that a few weeks ago we released as an e-book “The Story Behind In Broad Daylight.” This tells the story of researching...
The Pathology of a Bully—Inside the mind of Ken Rex McElroy.
In my first post, I talked about a bully as someone who relentlessly picks on or harasses another person who has less power or social...
The Killer and the Sex Offender: A Visit to Skidmore.
. On every visit to Skidmore I learn something new about the place. Even after all these years, I see something I’ve never seen before,...
Visit to Skidmore — Books signed
Over the years many people have expressed a desire to have their copies of In Broad Daylight signed. I’ll be in Skidmore this Saturday,...
Repressed Memories Dealt a Serious Blow
The “memory wars” continue with unabated ferocity. Almost twenty years ago I wrote a book entitled “Once Upon A Time: A True Story of...